Couleurs dans le terminal
1. Aliases
alias ls='ls --color=auto' (1)
alias vi='vim'
alias grep='grep --color' (2)
alias rgrep='rgrep -n --color' (2)
alias diff='colordiff' (3)
alias tail='colortail' (3)
alias make='colormake' (3) (4)
function wcolordiff () { wdiff -n $1 $2 | colordiff }
1 | All the lines can be copie in your .zshrc or .bashrc |
2 | You may use rg instead, it’s natively using colors |
3 | You can install the color* command from corresponding Debian packages |
4 | Attention: using this alias stops zsh completion of Makefile targets |
2. liquidprompt
Install the corresponding Debian package, then add the following lines to your .zshrc
(or .bashrc
) :
# Only load liquidprompt in interactive shells, not from a script or from scp
echo $- | grep -q i 2>/dev/null && . /usr/share/liquidprompt/liquidprompt
Source your config file or start a new terminal, you get a prompt that shows
important information from your machine state : battery critical level,
critical temperature or system load, the number of asleep jobs, the current
repository state or Python virtualenv
17:28:40 ⏚ ⌂69% 2z [:~/Wording … directory-path] [virtualenv-name] master(+11/-8)* 148 ±
Here you have : the time ; a symbol to recall that the laptop is plugged ; 69% of system load ; 2 sleeping processes ; the abregated working directory path ; the name of the loaded virtualenv ; git is on the master
branch with some work to commit ; and a last process that ended with code 148
(which is what happen when you ; type CTRL+Z to pause a process)…
3. zsh plugins
3.1. zsh-syntax-highlighting
is a zsh
plugin packaged in Debian (under that
exact name). It gives to zsh
typed commands a syntax coloration (for commands
: existing or not, arguments : well formed or not…) comparable to fish
Once installed, you have to activate it via :
# Must be at the end of the .zshrc file
source /usr/share/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
At the end of your .zshrc
3.2. zsh-autosuggestions
is a zsh
plugin packaged in Debian. It automatically
completes the current typed command with the matching last command, but in gray
letters, after your cursor. You can accept this completion using the right
arrow key.
To activate this plugin, add the following line in your .zshrc
source /usr/share/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh
3.3. colored-man-pages
To install this zsh
plugin, clone the oh-my-zsh
repository in your home :
$ git clone
Then load oh-my-zsh
adding this to the beginning of your .zshrc
# Path to your oh-my-zsh installation.
export ZSH=/home/$user/.oh-my-zsh
And finally activate the plugin, adding its name in the plugins
variable in
(the middle of) your .zshrc
plugins=( [plugins …] colored-man-pages)
4. colout, customize any command output
All at once and even more colout by Nojhan:
$ tail /var/log/boot.log | colout fail
$ tail /var/log/boot.log | colout "^.*fail.*$" red bold