
GNU+Linux command memo

Create ISO image

Créer une image ISO


$ dd if=/dev/sr0 of=~/Image.iso bs=1M conv=noerror status=progress    (1) (2) (3) (4)
1 /dev/sr0 for CD/DVD /dev/hdXX for storages
2 bs=1M : buffer size 1 Mo instead of 512 octets (speed up transfert reducing beacons), more info here : dd buffer size
3 conv=noerror : continue over Input/Output errors
4 status=progress : to follow the operation (only errors and summary are shown by default)

From files and folders :

$ genisoimage -udf -allow-limited-size -r -J -V "ISO Title" -o /foo/bar

Get it back to a bootable USB stick :

$ sudo dd if=~/Debian.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M status=progress; sync (1)
1 sync to wait until the image is entirely copied on the USB key

Or even simpler :

$ sudo cp ~/Debian.iso /dev/sdb ; sync (1)
1 sync to wait until the image is entirely copied on the USB key