
GNU+Linux command memo

Manage swap

Gérer le swap

1. Via partition

Make a suitable partition with : gparted or cfdisk (or fdisk)

Format the new partition : # mkswap /dev/sdx1

Add the new swap partition to : /etc/fstab.

/dev/sdx1 swap swap defaults 0 0

Run # swapon -a to activate the new swap.

2. Via file

Create the file : # dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap bs=1M count=1000 [1] (this creates 1Go empty file).

Give secure rights : # chmod 0600 /swap

Format the swap file : # mkswap /swap

Add the new swap partition to : /etc/fstab.

/swap swap swap defaults 0 0

Run # swapon -a to activate the new swap.

3. Deactivate swap

# swapoff -a

4. Add fstab options to allow the machine to hibernate

As per tok0z advice :

Add the resume=swap-device parameter in your fstab swap definition to allow the machine to hibernate.

And resume_offset=<swap_file_offset> if you use a swap file (instead of swap partition), where <swap_file_offset> can be obtain via filefrag -v swap_file as explained on Arch wiki.

1. More information about dd buffer size : dd buffer size