
GNU+Linux command memo

Many shades of git diff

`git diff` peut se faire plus précis pour repérer des changements au milieu de grandes lignes.

Git can compute finer diffs than the default line-by-line one. With --word-diff=color it can highlight differences inside long lines.

$ git diff (1)
$ git diff --word-diff=color (2)
$ git diff --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=.(3)
1 Shows the default comparison between the known copy and the local work, line by line.
2 Shows only removed and added words (red for removed, green for added, by default).
3 Shows only removed and added letters.

You can define aliases as shortcuts for the different git diff options.

$ vi ~/.zshrc
alias wd='git diff --word-diff=color'
alias wd.='git diff --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=.'
$ source ~/.zshrc
$ wd.

You can also configure git to spend more time computing smaller and sharper diffs.

$ vi ~/.gitconfig
	algorithm = minimal